Running for Beginners

Running for Beginners

So, you’re interested in going for a run. But, like most beginners, you’re not sure how to go about it.

Sure, you have to put on comfortable shoes and hit the pavement. But, might there be more to it? 

Here are seven invaluable tips to get you started on your running journey.

  1. Invest In a Good Shoe

Running shoes might seem like a gimmick, but they aren’t. A good pair of shoes can make the entire running experience much more pleasurable and less likely to get you injured. In contrast, basic shoes with stiff soles and no cushion can lead to painful runs and sap your motivation to keep going.

  1. Start Small

Many newbie runners feel excited about the journey and overwhelm themselves by trying to cover massive distances from the start. 

A much better approach is starting with relatively short distances and gradually building your endurance. 

  1. Do It Daily

Since you’re covering small distances and not pushing yourself to your limits, you can run daily, which is beneficial for gaining momentum. Daily running is a fantastic way to energize yourself and make the activity a part of your identity.

You can run in the morning, at noon, or in the evening––whatever feels best and allows you to stick with your sessions.

  1. Go Slow

The fourth tip to making running pleasant and more effective is to go slow initially. That way, you’ll give your body the time to adapt to this new type of stress, resulting in fewer aches and injuries down the road. Plus, going slow makes the experience more manageable and reduces the risk of becoming overwhelmed.

  1. Don’t Think About It Too Hard

Have you ever heard of analysis paralysis? It refers to our tendency to examine a particular thing to the point where we consume so much information that we feel paralyzed to do anything. In short, we overthink things. 

While educating yourself to some degree is beneficial, far too many people waste their time learning something about a particular subject without actually taking action. 

As far as running goes, what you’re now doing is educating yourself on best practices, which is good. What you should do then is lace up and go for a short run. Don’t think about it too much, just do it.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid to Walk

Many beginners approach running with the mindset that slowing down means failure, which isn’t true. Regardless of who you are, you won’t always be able to run at your best. Some sessions will feel better than others, and that’s okay. So, if you feel particularly tired as you run, don’t be afraid to slow down and walk for a while to catch your breath.

  1. Stretch

Our final suggestion for running is to develop the habit of stretching your lower body for a few minutes once you’re finished. You should focus on your calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip area. Doing so will keep your lower body feeling loose, reduce the following muscle soreness, and promote recovery by increasing blood flow to these muscles.

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