How to Make Time For Training On a Tight Schedule

How to Make Time For Training On a Tight Schedule

What’s the number one excuse people use for not working out? Maybe a lack of knowledge or guidance? Or perhaps they don’t have money for a gym membership? 

While valid, these excuses are far less common than the king of them all: 

“I don’t have the time to train!” 

At first glance, lacking time seems like a perfectly valid excuse not to train. Life barrages us with obligations, and fitness sometimes takes the back seat to more pressing concerns like work, meetings, and taking care of kids. 

Luckily, there are actionable tactics we can employ to make time for exercise, even on a tight schedule.

  1. Wake Up Earlier 

Waking up earlier certainly seems difficult, but doing so is great for sneaking a workout in before the day starts. 

For example, you can go to your local gym before work and have a great session without having to deal with the crowd. All of the equipment will be at your disposal, and you’ll be able to train however you like. Plus, you get to supercharge yourself, boost your mood, and free up your evenings.

  1. Consider Home Workouts

While many people frown at home workouts, there are plenty of practical exercises you can do to burn calories, build muscle, and improve your fitness. Plus, home training offers excellent benefits like:

  • Exercising in the comfort of your home
  • Not having to wait around for equipment or deal with crowds
  • Learning all sorts of exercises without worrying that you might look stupid
  • Wearing whatever you like
  • Saving time and money on commuting

You can mix this tactic with the first one we discussed. For example, wake up 40 minutes earlier, have a great workout to wake up, and go about the rest of your day feeling happier, more motivated, and energized.

  1. Ramp Up The Intensity

The great thing about working out is that you can pick between many modalities, depending on your goals, preferences, and schedule. Working out on a tight schedule is entirely possible, and even a 20-minute workout can kick your butt and help you make steady fitness progress.

One of the simplest ways to ramp up the intensity is to bundle several exercises together and perform them back-to-back. For example:

Push-ups - Squats - Plank - Jumping jacks - Ab crunches - 2 minutes of rest

You can also do the same at the gym:

Bench press - Lat pulldowns - Leg extensions - Hanging knee raises - Lateral raises - 2 minutes of rest

  1. Set Up a Concrete Schedule For Training 

A significant reason why many people struggle to train on a tight schedule comes from a lack of prioritizing. Many approach fitness with the attitude of “I hope I can find some time to exercise this week.” While seemingly logical, the approach often fails because it is vague. 

A much better way to approach your training is to set a specific plan and do your best to follow through. Get clear on three things:

  • Where your training will take place
  • What you’ll be doing for each workout
  • At what time you’ll exercise

For example:

“I’m going to do full-body workouts at my local gym from 6 to 7 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

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