Green Machine Smoothie Bowl

Green Machine Smoothie Bowl

Smoothies are a great way to bump up fiber each day. And we love fiber here at Brew Fitness Co.

According to the Mayo Clinic, fiber helps maintain a healthy weight, lowers cholesterol, helps manage blood sugar levels, and helps with a healthy gut.

The Green Machine is an alternative to traditional “sweet” tasting smoothie bowls with more veggies than fruit and a fresh summer taste of lime and ginger.

1 Granny Smith apple, diced
1 rib celery
1 medium cucumber
1 handful baby spinach
8-10 springs flat parsley
1″ ginger
1 cup water
1 lime
Extra apple and cucumber for topping
Blend all ingredients except lime. Serve in a bowl with extra toppings and lots of fresh-squeezed lime juice!

Green Machine Smoothie Bowl

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